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Thermal Imaging

House in the Countryside

Doug has been trained and is Infrared Certified by InterNachi

Doug has completed all of the requirements and is certified by InterNACHI (International Association of Certified Home Inspectors) as a residential/commercial Infrared Certified Inspector, authorized to diplay the Infrared Certified logo.  With proper training, infrared thermal imaging is a powerful tool to detect a multitude of residential and commercial building deficiencies.  However, a lack of training can simply produce bad or confusing information.  An operator must understand the capabilities and limitations of the technology and have a comprehensive understanding of building construction.  Be sure you hire a Infrared Certified Inspector.


Thermal Imaging Reaches Beyond


See the added value thermal imaging brings to a traditional visual home buyers’ inspection.

Below are photos of issues found with an infrared camera that would not have been revealed in a traditional visual inspection.

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