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House in the Countryside

Chimney Inspection, Cleaning & Repair

Jack Pixley Chimney Sweeps and Masonry

(763) 422-0481
Installation, Repair, Relining, Chimney Camera Inspections, Crown Repair, and more

TK Masonry

(612) 250-3579
(Chimney Repair, cracked chimney cap repair)

Brett Granyo

(612) 377-1459
(Exterior chimney repair)

The businesses listed represent people we know and trust.  They give top quality products and services.  Most of all, they do what they say they will do.  We provide this listing as a convenience to our clients.  We do not receive any compensation or fees of any kind.  Please, be wise, shop carefully.  A personal referral is your safest assurance of receiving top quality products and services.

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